Loans in France explained for expats

Many people tend to borrow some money in case of an emergency, buy larger items such as a house or car, or finance a special event. This process is called taking out a loan. A loan in France can help you to spread the cost over several months or years, whether you want to purchase a car, opt for home renovation, or consolidate debt. Applying for a loan is pretty simple, but it is necessary to know the best things to enhance the chances of your securing a loan more easily. In this article, we will discuss some key factors to remember before taking out a loan in France.

List of loan providers in France

We have listed the most reliable loan companies below while using the following criteria:

Loans in France
      English speaking customer service
      Good payment rates
      Clear contracts (no hidden costs)
      Borrowing Range
      Fast delivery
      Payment Period

Loan Platform



Cashper is a renowned French loan provider from where you can get reliable, quick, and straightforward access to small to a large amount of money whenever you want, depending on your requirements.

      The service is available 24/7
      Microloans are available (from €50 to €1000 with a maturity period of 15 days up to two months)
      Extra services are available free of cost
      Reliable and cost-efficient


Comperataux logo

Another great French loan provider is Compartaux. Here, you can compare different credit scores before you opt for a French loan. Find the best rate today!

      Compare the loan rates of different loan providers
      Get long term loans


kreditweb logo

Kreditiweb is an outstanding loan provider in France from where you can get ultimate loans for your different requirements, including home loans, car loans, personal loans, and more.

      Different types of loans are available
      Personal loans, home loans, car loans, etc. available
      Professional credits, work loans, boat loans, etc.
      English website available



Captain Credit is a reputed loan calculator in France where you can compare the top ten French loan providers and then get your hands on the suitable one.

      You can effortlessly improve your chance of getting credit
      It offers the best deals on loans

Gather necessary intel

Before applying for a personal loan in France, you must get some important information and papers. Although you may not need these for the loan application, it is still best to have them in hand if your lender asks them for verification or to complete the loan process. Following is the common documentation you should keep at hand:

  • Identification verification
  • Income verification
  • Address verification.

Having these verifying documents will help you quickly send copies if and when they are asked to avoid any delays.

Understand your affordability

One thing to remember when taking out a student loan in France or any other loan that needs a significant amount is to figure out how much you want to borrow before filing the loan application. You can usually repay the personal loan early without prepayment, but many lenders also charge origination fees.

Your monthly payment depends on the loan amount, repayment period, and interest rate. You can take the help of the loan calculator that will show how these factors will affect the monthly repayment. Compare the several options and review your budget to check your affordability. You may get more affordable EMI by opting for a loan with a longer term, but you will have to pay more interest rates.

Compare rates online

When taking out a car loan In France, it is best to research around and then choose the best company offering the best rates. Once you have gathered your documents, you should review your credit and determine the amount you want to apply for. It is time to compare lenders. Many credit unions, banks, and online lenders offer personal loans, and every lender has their own loan requirements and terms. Many lenders also allow you to check the loan offers and rates through their website without affecting your credit score. 

To check offers, your lender may ask you about your name, social security number, address, contact information, desired loan amount, and income. With all this info, lenders and financial institutions may offer you an estimated loan based on the creditworthiness review.

Check your eligibility criteria

Before you choose your loan provider, it is best to check that you meet the eligibility criteria of the loan you want to secure. The essential eligibility criteria are your credit score and monthly income, since these factors indicate your loan repayment ability. The higher your credit score and income are, the more chance you will have of getting a personal loan for better prices.

Maintain a good credit score

Besides higher income, having a good credit score will also enhance the chances of securing a loan with the desired tenure and interest rate. It is because the low credit score indicates that you do not have a good history of paying back the loan, which can make lenders apprehensive and may not grant the loan to you. Hence, clearing your pending debts and credit bills is necessary before applying for a loan in France.

Check prepayment charges

You can use the loan calculator in France to check the prepayment charges. It is the loan settlement before the final due date; it is by either paying the whole amount or dividing your payment into parts. Although the prepayment option is only allowed by some banks and lenders, it usually needs the borrower to make extra payments which can only be done after a year of the loan being secured. It is essential to go through the terms and conditions of the prepayment plan before finalizing the personal loan.

Make timely payments

After securing a loan, you must stay committed to repaying the loan amount without fail for years. Timely repayments prevent unwanted penalties and ensure that your credit score is not affected negatively. By having a stable repayment history, you can maintain a higher credit score which can help you secure more loans in France in the future.